End of Semester and Family Update from Robert Knuth - June 2023



End of Semester and Family Update - Robert Knuth– Image 1 of 11


We took 24 students to RUF Summer Conference in Laguna Beach, FL for a week! Students spend the morning in seminars (I taught one on the intersection of faith/work), have the afternoon free to hangout on the beach, before finally returning in the evening for a time of worship and small group discussion.

Our first annual senior banquet! Many of these seniors helped to start RUF at Michigan in Fall 2019 and stuck with us through COVID and many growing pains. Very thankful for them!

On the first Friday night of every month, our community committee puts on what they call, "Supper Club." It has turned into one of the more popular things that we do.

Small group Bible studies happen throughout the week! Last semester students opened up the book of Psalms.

For spring break, we took 9 students to Detroit as we partnered with Central Detroit Christian and Redeemer Presbyterian (one of our supporting churches) to catch a vision for how God is at work in the city. 

Two quick family updates:

You might have noticed in the picture above a new little person!

Thomas Woodford Knuth joined us on January 19th at 11:22 pm. Named for the Thomas who loved Jesus in the Gospels, we pray our little boy knows there is a God who holds the depths of his fear, sadness, and unbelief (John 20:24-29).

We love him so much.

We recently found out Katherine has early stage breast cancer. We are so grateful that it was found early but would love prayer as our family wades through this for the next several months.

We would love your prayers especially for the following:

  • That we would know deeply the Fatherhood of God in this season that He does not withhold from His people any good thing.
  • A biopsy revealed it to be ductal carcinoma in situ. However, the surgeon is concerned based on the size of the tumor that it may be invasive. Please pray that it truly is non-invasive and has not spread to lymph nodes or other tissue.
  • Currently we are waiting for surgery to be scheduled. Please pray that we would trust in God’s timing, if it’s His will that it would be soon (in the month of June) and have wisdom for how to spend our summer.
  • Protection against infection and grace for recovery. (Katherine won't be able to lift heavy objects for a month.)

The lyrics of an old 19th century hymn, "Praise My Soul, the King of Heaven," by Henry Lyte has come to mind in this season. Here's one stanza:

"Fatherlike He tends and spares us,
Well our feeble frame He knows;
In His hands He gently bears us,
Rescues us from all our foes.
Praise Him, praise Him, alleluia!
Widely yet His mercy flows." 

His river of mercy flows through so many of you! Thank you for your continued support of RUF Michigan and the Knuth family. Your partnership in the Gospel enriches our souls.
