Ryan Rico


 Ryan Rico came to Redeemer Presbyterian Church as a transfer from Westminster Reformed Presbyterian Church in Suffolk, Virginia shortly after Redeemer first began meeting at Trantwood Elementary School in 2007.

Though leaving military service in 2006 gave opportunity to return to his family and home of record in Florida, being able to call the Redeemer family “Home” is one of the most prominent reasons Rico chose to stay in Hampton Roads.

Now married with two daughters and two stepsons, Rico serves the Redeemer family as Prayer Coordinator and in any other way possible. One of the Rico’s greatest joys experienced through fellowshipping in prayer with the Redeemer family, is mutually letting go of our powerlessness, accepting the work that the Lord has already done and then experiencing His victory in our continuing moments of struggle.

Rico looks forward to how the Lord will continue to impact our needy and lost community through the gospel that Redeemer has accepted and has chosen to live out; inter-dependence through prayer as we support each other in a trustworthy and safe eternal-family environment.